Conductor: Simon Lee
with Caroline McCartney, Conducting Scholar
This summer, Cappella Newcastle invites you to embark on a voyage across the ocean in a programme inspired by exploration and water. We begin at the source of the river with Bill Whelan’s The Heart’s Cry and then journey to the port where we dance Purcell’s Hornpipe, before casting off and setting out into the deep blue sea, to encounter tempests and storms in Giaches De Wert’s amazing motet Ascendente Jesu in naviculam. As we catch our first glimpse of land we rejoice with Parry’s Never Weather Beaten Sail and our first steps into the new world take us to a sleepy lagoon. It’s an eclectic and diverse programme – there will be something for everyone! Other composers include Vaughan Williams, Jason Robert Brown, John Rutter and Robert Convery.
Cappella Newcastle is looking forward to returning to Holy Island, our first visit in over a decade. We will be bringing the songs of the Tyne to Lindisfarne with Elizabeth Poston’s beautiful setting of The Water of Tyne and Eric Boswell’s touching short song, The Parting. We do hope that you will be able to join us for this early afternoon concert at St Mary’s Church on Saturday 10th June at 3pm. Entry free with retiring collection in aid of church and choir funds.
The safe crossing times on this day are from 11:10am until 7:10pm. You will have time to explore the island as well as attending the concert and return to the mainland before the tide comes in. |